Teaching Mythology to Kids
Children love to hear and read about stories, no matter the reasoning behind the message. Kids learn best when they are more interested in the subject matter, and stories and fables are an even easier way for kids to practice reading and infer meaning and messages in...
Teaching Consequences to Your Kids
It can be hard for children nowadays to note how actions have consequences. This can be a tricky concept to teach any child of any age, but it is also a vital, important task to ensure your child is aware of their actions and how it can affect others. Kids Not...
Teaching Your Kids Astrology
Whether you think astrology is a little on the hippie side of things, teaching your kids about astrology can be a fun and exciting activity. It is a great way for kids to start thinking about big picture ideas and concepts in the world, like our place on this planet...
Homemade Valentine’s
No matter your children’s ages, they will surely want to participate in Valentine’s Day in some shape or form. Whether they are younger and want to send Valentine’s to their friends, or they are older and want to make a Valentine’s for their one and only, a great...
The Rise of ADHD
Many parents remember the olden days of scientists coming forward with a new learning difficulty or difference, named ADHD. Most parents didn’t understand this struggle for many children, which sometimes led to battles over whether this learning difference was “real”...
The Dangers of Vaping
We all know how harmful smoking can be to our bodies. For years, commercials and doctors (among others) have been talking about the high risk of cancer and other health risks associated with smoking. And although teen and young adult smoking has decreased over the...
Reinforcing Hygiene with Young Kids
It is almost always a struggle to get your young kids to take care of themselves, whether it is brushing their teeth, combing their hair, or washing their hands. And bath time can always be a chore! But reinforcing good behavior, and always reminding them of the...
Special Education Learners
In schools across the country, there are multiple special education classes for every age group, every subject, and every school. These groups are necessary for the children who may have a harder time focusing and comprehending the lessons being taught, and need a...
Using Mnemonic Devices to Learn
It may seem overwhelming to your children to learn all the different information on a wide variety of topics. It can feel like their brain is going to implode with too much information, and they may feel a little stressed. This can especially become an issue when...
To Be or Not to Be Santa
Maybe you have been playing the Santa card for a few years now, or maybe you have not had the opportunity to don the red coat and white beard. But either way, you may be rethinking the whole Santa card with your kids. Maybe they have been asking if Santa is real or...
Teaching Without Technology
In today’s world, it’s hard to escape technology in all of it’s many forms. Cell phones have taken over for so many facets of our lives, it’s hard to remember a world in which they didn’t exist. But when it comes to teaching, technology has really taken over. Children...
A Different Kind of Thanksgiving
Are you looking for something different this coming Thanksgiving? Do you want to give back and help your children see a different perspective? Then do we have the complete opposite Thanksgiving for you! Turkey Day with a Twist Thanksgiving always revolves around a...
Should Kids Be Taught Cursive?
With technology ever growing and the use of text, email, and computers for everyday typing and relying of messages, basic handwriting is starting to become a thing of the past. Of course, everyone should still learn the basics of handwriting, and strive to make it...
Preparing Your Teen for Voting
Your teenager may now be of voting age, which is a huge accomplishment! They may not realize how important voting is in the moment, so you may want to take some time to discuss with them how voting works, how to stay informed, and how to make a decision. Staying Up to...
Teaching Math Through Picture Books
Ask any parent about the most difficult subject to teach and it will be math, hands down! Children of any age struggle frequently with understanding math and remembering all the equations, fractions, and geometry that comes with it. When your younger children struggle...