Communicating through Play
In the world of a child, toys are the equivalent of words and playing is their language. If you’ve ever struggled to understand or communicate with your child, you are not alone. Children speak an entirely different language through play, and it is important that we...
How to Prepare Your Teen for the Real World
Although it may seem like children are growing up and maturing at younger and younger ages, this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re fully ready for the real world. There are many facets of adulthood that teens aren’t even aware of, and need to be taught before you blink...
Teacher Shortages
The last few years have certainly been a tumultuous time for most Americans, and although there are improvements in our freedom, there are still challenges ahead of us. One such challenge is a growing increase in teacher shortages across the US. Some states may not be...
Technology and Homeschooling: 2022 Update
The changing image of homeschooling is increasingly framed by modern technology. Electronic curricula and the growing availability of online and virtual school make homeschooling an attractive alternative for families of every size and type. The historic social...
Maturity and Your Kids
It may seem like yesterday when your child was just a toddler, still wanting to hold your hand while crossing the street and enjoying a hug in public. But suddenly you blinked and your toddler is now a tween or teenager, and is spending more and more time with their...
Educational Games for Teens
Insomnia and Your Child
It can be difficult but far from unusual when your baby is fussy about sleeping. Waking up in the night isn’t out of character, but as your baby grows up into a toddler, how do you determine when they’re having problems with sleep? It can be difficult getting children...
Braces and Your Child
No child ever likes braces when they’re growing up, but it’s also a necessary evil when it comes to growing. Not every child will end up getting braces, but for most, it’s typical to need braces at some point while maturing. But in this age of looks and appearances...
Blended Learning: The New Classroom?
Blended learning existed before Covid-19 changed the school system, but many schools weren’t really pushing this type of learning until now. Many people, teachers and parents both, who felt that education is best in person, but that’s not always the case. Children...
Spring Cleaning Is Here!
With the clocks set back and the birds singing in the warm air, that can only mean one thing: Spring has arrived! And the second piece to spring arriving is also taking a look around your house and deeming it time for a decluttering session. If the answer is a...
Fun Mother’s Day Activities
Mother’s Day is a chance for any mom to have a nice, peaceful day, however that may be for them. It could involve a spa day, sleeping in, shopping, or even skydiving! However you as a mother wants to kick back and enjoy the day is entirely up to you! If you’re a...
Self-Accountability for Homeschool Parents
As a homeschool parent, your primary goal is to provide an excellent, above-average education for your child. To meet this goal, your responsibilities include self-accountability – to yourself as a teacher, and to your child as a student who is depending on you to...
The World’s “Homeschooling Moment”
Homeschooling families can be found all over the world, from Japan to Taiwan to Argentina to South Africa. Homeschooling is not a novel idea. In fact, the idea of sending children to spend most of their day away from home at a formal school is a relatively new custom....
Why Financial Literacy is Important for Homeschoolers
In 2019, the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) found that 2 in 5 adults have a budget and stick to it to keep track of their spending. Another finding from the same survey showed that less than 1 in 5 adults feel confident in their current saving...
Public Education Suffers Budget Cuts While Homeschooling Thrives
Recent education news reports indicate that enrollment in homeschooling has increased dramatically over the past two years. In fact, it appears that homeschooling enrollment has increased four times since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020. The question is: ...