
VIRTUAL LEARNING/Student-Inspired Lessons Learned – 3/6

VIRTUAL LEARNING/Student-Inspired Lessons Learned – 3/6

PART THREE of SIX: STUDENT LESSONS ABOUT MOTIVATION AND TIME MANAGEMENT STUDENTS SPEAK OUT ABOUT VIRTUAL EDUCATION As we wrote in PART ONE and PART TWO:  “During the winter and spring of school year 2020-21, , International Virtual Learning Academy (IVLA...

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VIRTUAL LEARNING/Student-Inspired Lessons Learned – 2/6

VIRTUAL LEARNING/Student-Inspired Lessons Learned – 2/6

PART TWO of SIX: STUDENT COMMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS STUDENTS SPEAK OUT ABOUT VIRTUAL EDUCATION As we wrote in PART ONE:  “During the winter and spring of school year 2020-21, , International Virtual Learning Academy (IVLA ) a division of...

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VIRTUAL LEARNING/Student-Inspired Lessons Learned – 1/6

VIRTUAL LEARNING/Student-Inspired Lessons Learned – 1/6

PART ONE: The Big Picture   STUDENTS SPEAK OUT ABOUT VIRTUAL EDUCATION It remains to be seen whether or not the U.S. has gained enough distance from the COVID-19 pandemic to declare victory.  However, after more than a year of public and private schools “fading”...

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3 Make-Ahead Breakfasts Your Kids Will Love

3 Make-Ahead Breakfasts Your Kids Will Love

Homeschooling your kids frees up a lot of time, but it’s not uncommon to still find yourself rushing in the morning to get ready for the day. When this happens, breakfast is often the first thing that gets pushed to the side. But a filling breakfast is important in...

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Standardized Testing 2021-2022 School Year

Standardized Testing 2021-2022 School Year

“The main purpose of standardized tests in schools is to give educators an objective, unbiased perspective of how effective their instruction is. Standardized testing helps identify the natural aptitudes of individual students. Identifying skill development and...

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Online Education: The Future of Learning

Online Education: The Future of Learning

Many parents felt tossed into the storm these past years with the sudden switch to more online learning. Many students also felt a little topsy-turvy when it came to their school years, feeling like they were cutting ties with their friends and not getting much...

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Choosing A School District’s Virtual Option

Choosing A School District’s Virtual Option

Tis the season!  No, not THAT season.  Back to school season!  Unfortunately, this year is not shaping up to be a “normal” school year that everyone was so desperately hoping for.  With Covid-19 running rampant through our towns and communities, you may be hesitant to...

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Starting Up Homeschooling Checklist

Starting Up Homeschooling Checklist

If you’re beginning the journey of homeschooling with your children this school year, congratulations! It’s a great way to be more involved in your children’s learning and to help them reach their true potential. You may also be feeling a little overwhelmed as to...

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Signs You Should Homeschool Your Kids

Signs You Should Homeschool Your Kids

More and more parents are wanting their children to receive an education different than what the public school system offers. Homeschooling may seem daunting to some parents, but it could very well be the best decision for your family. Here are three clear signs that...

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Schooling Your Children on Equality

Schooling Your Children on Equality

After a few tumultuous years have come and gone, a return to normalcy may seem close on the horizon. Choosing to homeschool your children may have come from a love of online learning while schools were forced to shut down, or you may have already been homeschooling...

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Preparing Your Kids for In-Person Learning in Fall

Preparing Your Kids for In-Person Learning in Fall

Before this last school year came to a close, many schools across the country were already announcing that they would be open for all students come Fall 2021. The CDC director, Rochelle Walensky, also said the same thing to the news in April, stating that “schools...

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How Global Student Network Can Help Your Child’s Education

How Global Student Network Can Help Your Child’s Education

If the last year or so has taught you as a parent anything, it’s that resiliency matters. Jumping into homeschooling for your children at a moment’s notice due to Covid-19 last year made you aware of so many things. Your adaption to change, your children’s adaption to...

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