From the Homeschoolers Anonymous Files: The Case of the Scary, Hairy, High-level Math
In today’s meeting of the Imaginary Homeschooler Anonymous Group, I share my next deep, dark secret. The last time I attended a meeting, it was my turn to expose my previous non-stereotypical homeschool mom dilemma. You can read about my confession about reluctant...
An Interview with middle grade student
I enjoy impromptu interviews with my kids. A few quick questions allow me to discover what they are feeling or confirm what I already suspect. After making a dynamic shift in our homeschool strategy this fall and joining a co-op, I wanted to see where my middle grader...
We Don’t Call It “Spring”
I like to joke that, in homeschool land, I don’t call the lovely months of March through May Spring. Rather, I call them “Buy All Used Homeschool Materials” season. Perhaps I am not the only one? I find it so tempting to see the numerous posts about curriculum marked...
Online Summer Learning from Global Student Network
Summer is the perfect time for vacations, family reunions, beach days . . . and learning! Online learning with Global Student Network (GSN) allows your student to explore interests, brush up in weaker subjects, or get a jump start on next school year. GSN’s Summer...
After Coronavirus: How School at Home and Home Schooling are the Same but Different
Since early March of this year when the World Health Organization first recognized the Coronavirus as a worldwide pandemic, U.S. schools have been closing. Most of them have closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Students were instantly re-assigned...
How to Ask for Help with your Homeschooling
“9-1-1 How may I help you?” “I’m a homeschooling parent!” “Don’t worry, help is on the way!” If only we could get help within minutes of our first problem with homeschooling. I personally could use a janitor and a lunch lady. Please sign me up for a school voucher for...
Homeschooling Today: Myth vs Reality
Classrooms hum with the chatter of excitable teens; books and papers spill from overstuffed lockers; days are routine, conducted by the regular, shrill blast of the school bell. Sound familiar? Most of us have experienced the 'institutional' school system in some form...
U.S. Schools Shift to School-at-Home in Response to COVID-19
Since March 11, 2020 when the World Health Organization (WHO) first publicly identified the Coronavirus as a worldwide pandemic, U.S. governors and school districts have been put in the position of deciding whether schools should remain open. On March 12, The Centers...
Finding Community for Your Child
This year I have been experiencing the value of community in our homeschooling lifestyle. Doing life together comes in many forms but the importance of it is undeniable. Let’s take a look at where to find community and why it’s so precious. Co-Ops When we joined our...
How COVID-19 Changed My Homeschool
When the seriousness of the spread of COVID-19 began to fill the media and started to be felt by leaders in our community, we didn’t feel the dramatic change initially. My kids kept doing their schoolwork each day and my other work responsibilities didn’t immediately...
Rules Are For Breaking
I have been attending a conference for writers this week. Some of the attendees are published authors, while others are aspiring to write the unknown. This isn’t the first of these conferences that I’ve attended and I’m always happy to hear how many rules are actually...
20 Tips from a Homeschool Mom
As millions of students are home from school due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, many parents are thrown into the world of homeschooling. One mom, PJ Monroe, offered these 20 tips for new homeschool parents: Don’t panic, you are not going to ruin your child’s...
Sudden Home Bound Learners – Covid-19 – Coronavirus
You may have found yourself suddenly surrounded by kids and their presence and needs are a bit overwhelming. As adults, we can take a few deep breaths and strategize how to make the best of a tough situation. Here are a few ideas to help: Be realistic. Remind yourself...
We all have experienced loneliness. There are all kinds of situations that cause us to feel alone: a recent move, changing churches, getting a cancer diagnosis, dealing with infertility, living far away from family, starting a new job. The homeschooling lifestyle is...
Motivation for Homeschooling Moms
Homeschooling moms have to be self-motivated. You are homeschooling because you have chosen what you felt was best for your children. Does that mean you wake up at the crack of dawn in a cheery Mary Poppins mood highly motivated to instruct your children? Or are you...