
Glow Stick Encouragement

Glow Stick Encouragement

It happened last night. One of those take-me-by-surprise moments where one of my children accidentally displays that this whole homeschooling gig is actually working… We were at a youth event for my older kids. The ice breaker was a blacklight dance party, basically,...

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2018 U.S. education statistics indicate that around 3% of American K-12 aged children are currently being educated at home.  One of the primary concerns expressed by parents of homeschooled students is the question of how their children will survive in the...

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Coming of age as a parent

Coming of age as a parent

We all know the signs to watch for as our kids develop and grow. We measure their astronomical heights on the back of the mirror, switch out small jeans for larger ones and pack up tiny boots for the younger sibling. While we are so focused on their growth, I think...

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Co-Op Day Lunch Prep

Co-Op Day Lunch Prep

Raise your hand if one of the perks you enjoy about homeschooling is that you don’t have to pack lunches! (Me, me, me!) My kids and I recently joined a full day, once a week co-op and found ourselves incredibly unprepared to pack lunches. We learned a few tricks to...

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Fun Ways To Engage A Wiggly Learner for Early Reading Skills

Fun Ways To Engage A Wiggly Learner for Early Reading Skills

Harnessing the wind and asking it to hold still is easier done than capturing the attention of my wiggly kid. He has more energy and words and excitement than any one human actually needs, which makes learning to read a little tricky. And since I don’t own a moving...

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Picking a Tutor or Private Teacher

Picking a Tutor or Private Teacher

I am not sure how long one must be homeschooling before they obtain “veteran” status, so I won’t call myself one yet, but I do feel like I have been around the ring of the homeschool circus a few times so far. And, as with anything one does for 8 years, I’ve seen my...

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Homeschool Love – Online Curriculum Giveaway

Homeschool Love – Online Curriculum Giveaway

Roses are red, Violets are blue. GSN just might have Free curriculum for you! What do you love about homeschool? Share your homeschool love and enter to win free curriculum. On February 15, Global Student Network (GSN) is giving away three online curriculum licenses...

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Too Many Words

Too Many Words

Memo: To the mom with over-used ears: I see you. I know you are out there. I, too, heard too many words before my coffee was finished, before the school work had even been started before the reading lesson was launched before lunch was even prepped. I am one of you....

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Widening Your Current Circle of Friends

Widening Your Current Circle of Friends

Homeschooling can be a lonely endeavor. Homeschooling is a borderless enterprise. But homeschooling can also be isolating. On one hand, it seems that there are homeschoolers crawling out of the woodwork (you know, like when the science museum hosts a homeschool day),...

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Book Review: 65 Short Mysteries You Solve With Science

Book Review: 65 Short Mysteries You Solve With Science

For that moment when you want to put something in the hands of your 10-year old that won’t cost a fortune, won’t send them down rabbit trails of drama, and will keep their attention for quick spurts, something like this book is a great choice. 65 Short Mysteries You...

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Shifting Homeschool Seasons

Shifting Homeschool Seasons

I pass a garden shop many times a week, and all Winter I watch the weekly count down to Spring. It’s so hopeful and motivating. It feels a little like our homeschooling seasons that seem to switch without my even knowing sometimes. There are months- and sometimes even...

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Free Curriculum Giveaway – ONE WEEK ONLY!

Free Curriculum Giveaway – ONE WEEK ONLY!

January – a fresh start, a blank page. It’s invigorating to think of new opportunities ahead! Here’s one opportunity you won’t want to miss. Global Student Network (GSN) is giving away TWO curriculum licenses on January 15. Talk about a great way to start a new year!...

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Personalized Learning:  When School-at-home Becomes Homeschool

Personalized Learning: When School-at-home Becomes Homeschool

THE DILEMMA One of the primary disadvantages of traditional classroom models is that, with teachers sometimes having to handle 30 or more students per class, kids do not receive the individual attention they need to thrive academically. Students have little or no...

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Homeschool Loneliness

Homeschool Loneliness

We all have experienced loneliness. There are all kinds of situations that cause us to feel alone: a recent move, changing churches, getting a cancer diagnosis, dealing with infertility, living far away from family, starting a new job. The homeschooling lifestyle is...

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