Widening Your Current Circle of Friends
Homeschooling can be a lonely endeavor. Homeschooling is a borderless enterprise. But homeschooling can also be isolating. On one hand, it seems that there are homeschoolers crawling out of the woodwork (you know, like when the science museum hosts a homeschool day),...
Book Review: 65 Short Mysteries You Solve With Science
For that moment when you want to put something in the hands of your 10-year old that won’t cost a fortune, won’t send them down rabbit trails of drama, and will keep their attention for quick spurts, something like this book is a great choice. 65 Short Mysteries You...
Shifting Homeschool Seasons
I pass a garden shop many times a week, and all Winter I watch the weekly count down to Spring. It’s so hopeful and motivating. It feels a little like our homeschooling seasons that seem to switch without my even knowing sometimes. There are months- and sometimes even...
Free Curriculum Giveaway – ONE WEEK ONLY!
January – a fresh start, a blank page. It’s invigorating to think of new opportunities ahead! Here’s one opportunity you won’t want to miss. Global Student Network (GSN) is giving away TWO curriculum licenses on January 15. Talk about a great way to start a new year!...
Personalized Learning: When School-at-home Becomes Homeschool
THE DILEMMA One of the primary disadvantages of traditional classroom models is that, with teachers sometimes having to handle 30 or more students per class, kids do not receive the individual attention they need to thrive academically. Students have little or no...
A Parent Gives Thanks for Homeschooling with Global Student Network
November is the season for remembering all we have for which to be thankful. Over the years, many families have shared their gratitude for homeschooling. The following was sent to Global Student Network in November 2015. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to...
Homeschool Loneliness
We all have experienced loneliness. There are all kinds of situations that cause us to feel alone: a recent move, changing churches, getting a cancer diagnosis, dealing with infertility, living far away from family, starting a new job. The homeschooling lifestyle is...
Preschool Morning Basket
In the mornings, my preschooler is ready to go before my coffee does its magic. By observing his activity levels, I also know that the mornings are his prime time to learn. However, his energy level does not usually match my energy level, so I needed a way to...
Sometimes Homeschooling is an Internal Battle
It was a wrestling match between one part of my brain and the other. The part of my brain that appreciates organization, values when all the parts to the game or puzzle are put away with the game, and finds rest in order began to twitch as the other side of my brain-...
Homeschool Field Trips
Homeschool Field Trips: Planning Fun Without a Magic School Bus When I was younger, I loved the TV series “The Magic School Bus.” Ms. Frizzle would take her class all over the solar system in their magic bus; I got to learn about internal organs, what makes us sick,...
Book Review: 65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Science
For that moment when you want to put something in the hands of your 10 year old that won’t cost a fortune, won’t send them down rabbit trails of drama, and will keep their attention for quick spurts, something like this book is a great choice. 65 Short Mysteries You...
Homeschool Extracurriculars
For some, the thought of adding “extras” to your homeschooling day sends shivers up your spine and makes you want to hide under the school table. You already have a full to do list and the idea of seeing more people is a lot to handle. For others, the problem with...
Protect your homeschool goals by setting boundaries
Guard Your Homeschool: Protecting Your Goals by Setting Boundaries You are at home doing what you do, homeschooling your kids. Can you watch the neighbor’s kids for a couple hours every day until she gets home from work? Could you help out with your grandparents more?...
The Power of Asking “Why?”
One of the best lessons I have learned as a parent lately was taken from a short lesson in our simple detective textbooks- you know those thin, little supplementary books you buy in a moment of weakness? Yep, one of those. My kids and I learned that one of the most...
Global Student Network Virtual Open House
Attend a Virtual Open House Sign Up To Attend Join Global Student Network for our virtual open house. At our open house, you will learn more about Global Student Network’s product offerings and how GSN can meet your individual homeschooling needs. We will provide a...