How Do Homeschoolers Socialize?
But How Will Our Homeschoolers Socialize?! I doubt there is a homeschooling parent who has not heard the following sentence from friends, family, and strangers when they mention they are homeschooling: “But how do you expect your child to socialize with other...
But How Will Our Homeschoolers Socialize?!
I doubt there is a homeschooling parent who has not heard the following sentence from friends, family, and strangers when they mention they are homeschooling: “But how do you expect your child to socialize with other children?!” As a pastor myself, I always try to...
Cruise Control vs Defensive Driving – A Homeschool Metaphor
Cruise Control vs. Defensive Driving: Metaphor for my Current Season of Homeschooling A recent long distance road trip provided an invaluable lesson for our homeschool season right now. I was driving a brand new rental car with all the bells and whistles. I was...
Unexpected Perks of Homeschool
Finding Unexpected Perks as a New Homeschool Family I have to admit that when I began homeschooling, I was concerned that I would never have any time to myself and that this fact would drive me a little crazy over time. While it is true that I have close to zero “me...
Twas the night before homeschool
‘Twas the night before the first night of homeschool and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, save for a very nervous mother. After over a year of my son struggling in school, after over a year of him being miserable every day and crying going onto the...
Current Climate of Homeschooling in Connecticut
Homeschooling in Connecticut is rather easy and without constraint. Thanks to many wise people that defended our freedom to homeschool, there is little we have to worry about in regards to meeting state regulations. Based on the data from the...
Interview with a 7th Grade Homeschooler
When I think back to my 7th grade year, I cringe with moments of embarrassment and stress. I am always a little confused about the people that say they enjoyed middle is that even possible? Now that my daughter is that age, I was interested to see if she...
Homeschool Fitness Ideas
I remember almost flunking an assignment that was given to the class by our fifth-grade teacher. We were supposed to come up with a physical fitness routine we could do at home. There were certain criteria we were supposed to meet, none of which I remember now. But I...
Avoiding the Homeschool Comparison Trap
We are all aware of the dangers of comparing ourselves or our kids with others, so why do we do it? Areas of Comparison Over the years I have personally struggled with comparing myself to others. From the locker room, to my home, to church—everywhere there were people...
What to Add to Homeschooling
If you have been homeschooling for any length of time you’ve heard the old argument of socialization. However, the majority of homeschoolers are the most social people you will ever meet. We are always looking for the next opportunity for our kids to learn new things...
Teaching Kids About Money
When I was a teenager my parents took me to dinner with some of their friends, one of whom was a financial advisor. He was sharing about a recent client of his who was in his twenties and had just landed a career that came with a generous paycheck. Soon after their...
Homeschool Mom Identity Crisis: Who Am I Besides a Homeschooler?
Sometime in the last few years, my husband observed that most introductions move immediately from “Hello, my name is” to “and what do you do?” This seems so woven into our culture that it doesn’t even feel weird to us. However, what it seems to actually communicate is...
Homeschool Mentors
Homeschooling can be a lonely endeavor, kind of like walking on a rickety rope bridge with the hopes that the ropes are strong enough to carry you across to the other side. One of the key ways to make this giant task a lot less scary is to have a mentor. Mentoring has...
Teaching Kids About Money
When I was a teenager my parents took me to dinner with some of their friends, one of whom was a financial advisor. He was sharing about a recent client of his who was in his twenties and had just landed a career that came with a generous paycheck. Soon after their...
Creating a 5 Year Plan for Homeschool
As most of us sit down to make our homeschool plans for the upcoming year, I am reminding myself of the importance of having a long-range plan. My husband and I do this for big family-life decisions, finances and with work planning; but often I become so focused on...