
Do you have a student athlete seeking NCAA eligibility?

Do you have a student athlete seeking NCAA eligibility?

International Virtual Learning Academy Prepares Students for College – Both in the Classroom and on the Court and Field International Virtual Learning Academy offers NCAA approved courses through its Apex Learning System for high school students pursuing NCAA...

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Finding a Homeschool Co-op that Fits

Finding a Homeschool Co-op that Fits

Homeschool Co-ops can add tremendous value and excitement to a homeschooling situation. Families interacting, sharing ideas, playing together and meeting learning goals are all benefits of joining a co-op. However, homeschool co-ops can be joy-sucking, life-defeating,...

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Why Homeschoolers Don’t Want School Vouchers

Why Homeschoolers Don’t Want School Vouchers

The parental right to choose where and how one’s child is educated is one that homeschooling parents say is the foundation of their commitment to home education. And while the phrase “school choice” may be a concept based in conservative philosophy, most of the highly...

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11 Year-old Graduates with Three Degrees

11 Year-old Graduates with Three Degrees

An 11-year-old Sacramento boy who said regular school "bored" him graduated Wednesday from American River College (ARC) in Sacramento, Calif., alongside 1,800 students.  Tanishq Abraham told KXTV that it "feels good to graduate with three associate's degrees," which...

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Take a Homeschooling Test Drive this Summer!

Take a Homeschooling Test Drive this Summer!

If you've ever considered the possibility of homeschooling your kids but aren't sure if the idea is right for your family, Global Student Network (GSN) is offering a "test drive" opportunity that will allow you to try out the approach at a one-time bargain price. GSN,...

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Are Tim Tebow Laws a Touchdown for Homeschool Students?

Are Tim Tebow Laws a Touchdown for Homeschool Students?

To play or not to play - Are homeschool students entitled by law to play on their local public school sports teams and leagues? As of 2014, twenty-eight state legislatures have answered “Yes!” either allowing such participation or adopting “Equal Access to Athletics"...

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Creating a Multi-Level Homeschooling Classroom

Creating a Multi-Level Homeschooling Classroom

Many homeschool parents have students in several grade levels.  Some make the decision to establish learning plans tailored to grade-level textbooks and learning materials while others use a multi-level approach designed to teach everyone in the class the same subject...

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9 Reasons for Teaching Cursive Writing

9 Reasons for Teaching Cursive Writing

My son got mail from his grandparents recently. "What did Mimi and Pappy say in their card?" I asked, expecting an enthusiastic response. "I don't know, Mom. It's in cursive." Therein lies the stark reality – kids do not read and write in cursive as they once did. ...

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Ten Tips for Teaching Math to ADHD Kids

Ten Tips for Teaching Math to ADHD Kids

Teaching math to a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be difficult.  Children with ADHD or ADD tend to have trouble focusing and often act impulsively when frustrated.  Trying to deal with new math methods tends to create a high frustration...

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When Your ADHD Child “Pushes Your Buttons”

When Your ADHD Child “Pushes Your Buttons”

Up to 5% of school-age children in the United States suffer from some level of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Research investigators at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center have discovered that certain alterations in the brain's "dopamine...

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Single-Parent Homeschooling

Single-Parent Homeschooling

Over the past twenty years, there has been a general increase worldwide in children living in single parent homes. Single parenting has become an accepted fact in the United States and the trend is common in numerous other countries. In 2006, 12.9 million U.S....

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Homeschooling with a SMILE

Homeschooling with a SMILE

It's Spring again and soon it will be time to think about sunny days at the beach or exploring the Rocky Mountains or taking an educational trip to Europe.   It's also time to start thinking about how you would like to structure your homeschooling experience for next...

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