
Digital Addiction in Kids

Digital Addiction in Kids

In today’s world, so much of our daily lives seems to be centered around something digital. Whether it be a TV, computer, phone, or even Alexa, all these machines can make life pretty easy and are fun to interact with. But with this dependence on devices can...

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Losing Progress in the Summer

Losing Progress in the Summer

Although any kid (and parent) will tell you that summer break is needed, it can also have it’s faults from time to time. One such fault, which can be through no fault of anyone, is for children to simply forget what they learned over the previous school year....

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14 Celebrities Who Were Homeschooled

14 Celebrities Who Were Homeschooled

It’s summer break time again, so I thought it might be fun to take a different path from looking at the academic values of homeschooling to explore the educational history of some celebrities who were homeschooled.  Some attended homeschool from grades K to 8, others...

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Rainy Day Activities

Rainy Day Activities

Summer is in full swing and whether you planned a great day trip or were ready to make plans, a rainy day can hamper almost anything. If your kids were looking forward to doing something fun outside, don’t disappoint and turn to one of these fun, indoor activities...

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Giving Chores to Your Teen

Giving Chores to Your Teen

If it feels like you are constantly going, running from one task to another, it’s probably because you are! Take a moment and see what your daily activities involve: Can any of your tasks get delegated to your teen at home? Most likely yes!  Setting Good Intentions...

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The Cost of Homeschooling

The Cost of Homeschooling

Based on post-pandemic statistics, it has become apparent that parents are enrolling their children in homeschooling in record numbers.  The actual cost of homeschooling runs at the top of the list of questions families ask when they are preparing to establish a home...

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Your Kid’s First Sleepover

Your Kid’s First Sleepover

It is certainly not uncommon for your kid’s friends to host a plethora of sleepovers over the summer. It is the perfect time for them to relax and be able to play and have fun without worrying about school the next day. But if this is your kid’s first sleepover, you...

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Based on multiple data sources, the American public learned in 2021-2022 that public schools were not actually spreading COVID in the huge numbers predicted.  Nonetheless, schools were still closed even after kids were eligible for vaccinations. The current estimate...

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Is Year-Round Schooling Right for Your Kids?

Is Year-Round Schooling Right for Your Kids?

The last couple of years have seen a tumultuous change in how we teach our children. Many schools adapted to online learning and navigated a lot of different school activities from there. But as schools are opening up (or continuing with online learning), many parents...

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How Technology Is Changing Teaching

How Technology Is Changing Teaching

It is no secret that technology has been skyrocketing in the last couple of decades. There are constant advancements being made daily when it comes to what tech can do, and how it can be applied in many different applications. When it comes to teaching, technology has...

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When Your Child Has Special Needs

When Your Child Has Special Needs

No matter what type of special needs your child has, it can feel daunting tackling each day. It may cover anything from repeating yourself fifty times in a day to getting nothing else accomplished except getting your child dressed and fed. It’s important to keep in...

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Limiting Kids’ Screen Time

Limiting Kids’ Screen Time

We all know how obsessed children are with their phones and technology in general. It may seem like pulling teeth to get them away from the computer or to stop playing games on their phones. But what we as parents oftentimes forget, is that we may be guilty of the...

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Why Digital Reading Isn’t Ideal for Your Kids

Why Digital Reading Isn’t Ideal for Your Kids

Although reading digitally is most likely comprising 99% of your child’s methods, it may not be the best way for them to read. Recent studies are finding that digital reading comes with it’s own set of challenges as opposed to picking up a printed book. Less...

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How Crafting Can Also Be Learning

How Crafting Can Also Be Learning

Most parents, and even some educators in other subjects, may view crafting and art as a pastime class, something fun to participate in. And although it can (and hopefully should) be fun for your children, art and crafting can also be a huge learning experience for...

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REALITY CHECK – Should All Kids Go to College?

REALITY CHECK – Should All Kids Go to College?

Many of us grew up in a world where attending college was the “holy grail” of life accomplishments.  A four-year degree was said to be necessary to make any “real” money.  Today the world seems to be short of trained workers to fill the jobs of computer technicians,...

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