
Public School Financing in America

Public School Financing in America

Public school financing is the constant focus of media reporting, concerned parents and homeschool support groups. Overall, four states come out at the top end of public-school spending per pupil: New York @ $24,040 per pupil/Annual District of Columbia @ $22,759 per...

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How Kids Are Growing Up Differently

How Kids Are Growing Up Differently

Without really noticing, the ways in which kids grow up is ever-changing, even within generations. What was once the things that every child went through while growing up is quickly becoming obsolete to most kids today.  Back in the Day… Something as everyday to...

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Cultural Appreciation for Homeschoolers

Cultural Appreciation for Homeschoolers

It’s that time of year again!  People all over the world are celebrating a wide variety of winter holiday traditions!  We can’t visit all these amazing places to experience their traditions, but the study of culturally important and significant holidays in other...

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Quick, Hearty Meals for Cold Days

Quick, Hearty Meals for Cold Days

Nothing screams winter like hearty, rich meals to help stave off the cold. No matter your outdoor climate, you can make these meals just simply for the fun of it, even if it’s 80 degrees out! These quick meals are great for any day of the week, whether you’re just...

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Pros & Cons of Online Videos

Pros & Cons of Online Videos

It may be simple enough to turn on the streaming apps when you and your children get home, but sometimes that may be doing more harm than good. How much they watch and what they are actually watching can vary greatly, and you want to make sure your children are...

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Outdoor Activities During the Winter

Outdoor Activities During the Winter

Before you know it, the sun will be going down earlier and earlier, and you’ll want to fully enjoy those chilly evenings and afternoons with the family before the holidays really get into full swing. No matter what climate you live in, there are plenty of activities...

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Why a Love of Reading is Important to your Child’s Future

Why a Love of Reading is Important to your Child’s Future

It’s amazing to me how many kids these days just do not read books.  At all. Not online. Not in reality. I asked one 14-year-old young lady why she doesn’t read like she did as a young child. “It makes my brain hurt,” she said.  On the flip side, I know a bright young...

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Winter Blues

Winter Blues

Some people experience happiness in waves, or in this case, seasons. With daylight hours diminishing and cold winter nights ahead, I’d like to offer insight into seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or what we like to refer to as, “the winter blues.” You might be...

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The Best Gifts for Your Kids This Christmas

The Best Gifts for Your Kids This Christmas

There’s no doubt that every parent strives to get the gift-giving just right every holiday season. But each successive year it can get trickier and trickier in finding something that’s staying relevant in such a fast-paced world! Although we won’t give you specific...

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Teaching Geography to Homeschoolers

Teaching Geography to Homeschoolers

Today will be the last in the series of six “Teaching Topics” articles that have been posted in this space over the past few months.  Topics covered to date include: Textbook-free Math Instruction,  Finding a Homeschool Community,   Online Technology Classes for...

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How to Be an Awesome Homeschool Teacher

How to Be an Awesome Homeschool Teacher

If you’ve made the choice to homeschool your children, you likely started out striving for perfection.  Perfect curriculum choice, perfect schedule, perfect teaching approach.  It’s also likely that it didn’t take long for you to realize that homeschool perfection is...

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Holidays 2022

Holidays 2022

When you say the word “holiday” late in the year, most people will think of Christmas. And although this holiday seems to rule the December landscape, there are many individuals, cultures, and personal beliefs that don’t normally celebrate this holiday.  Different...

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Tips & Tricks to Keep School Prep Organized

Tips & Tricks to Keep School Prep Organized

Nothing makes the first few weeks (or let’s be honest, the first few months) of back-to-school more difficult than disorganization. Since it’s a whole new routine and schedule, everyone is thrown off by having to get so much ready and prepped in a day or a morning. If...

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Halloween Parties for Teens

Halloween Parties for Teens

As your child grows and reaches the teenage years, it may seem hard to find things in common. When they were younger, you held gatherings almost every day for them and their friends, supplying food, movies, and fun. But now, it may seem hard to coordinate between busy...

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Textbook-free Mathematics for Homeschoolers

Textbook-free Mathematics for Homeschoolers

I clearly remember being frustrated with high school algebra and geometry. Neither made any sense to me and, at the time, I was convinced I would never need those math skills in my adult life.  As a result, I didn’t take the classes seriously and managed to just...

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