Cool Weather Activities
Although summer brings thoughts of swimming pools, sunscreen and ice cream, it’s also hot! With the arrival of fall, you still get to enjoy the great outdoors without removing layers throughout the day! If you’re looking for fun, cool weather activities your kids will...
When Your Child is a Sore Loser
Becoming a sore loser can happen to anyone, at any age. You may already spend some time talking about this topic, whether directly or indirectly, but kids can still give in to their emotions, which they should do! But sometimes when they give in to their negative...
Finding a Homeschool Community
If you’ve made the decision to homeschool your children, you’re likely wondering how to go about finding the perfect homeschool community that best suits your family’s needs. Luckily, with the number of homeschooling families on the rise, there are plenty of...
Finding a Homeschool Community
If you’ve made the decision to homeschool your children, you’re likely wondering how to go about finding the perfect homeschool community that best suits your family’s needs. Luckily, with the number of homeschooling families on the rise, there are plenty of...
Teaching Your Child How to Ride a Bike
It may sound simple in theory, but teaching your child to do anything that almost comes naturally can be more difficult than you realize. If your child is itching to learn how to ride their bike, there’s a few key pieces to remember in order to make it fun and...
The Back-to-School Blues
It may be difficult enough getting your children and house ready for back to school. But what may be the hardest is when your children are dreading the return. Whether it’s the actual learning or just spending so much time at school, it can feel overwhelming to begin...
Last Minute Summer Activities
Finally, your children made it through another school year that was tumultuous, to say the least. And, almost more important than that, you survived the ordeal as well. But with summer in full swing brings another set of challenges: what to do to fill those empty...
Showing Your Kids Plant Life
Growing up in a digital world, it can be difficult sometimes for kids to appreciate flowers, plants, and all things green. But that doesn’t mean they can’t experience the wonders of the natural world! Learning There are many ways of teaching and showing your children...
Helping Your Child Overcome Fears
No matter your child’s age, there are going to be people, places, and things that simply invoke fear in them. All parents have been down the road of watching movies and having to console a screaming, crying child who got scared of certain scenes. You may not know how...
Teaching Your Child About Their Health
Your child’s health is a constant, no matter what their dietary or health needs may entail. You are constantly figuring out what they like or dislike, how much exercise or sleep they need, and more. But have you ever stopped and thought about how much they know about...
Introducing Equip Christian Academy
As Christian parents, we have no greater joy and no greater job than ensuring that our children are equipped to live out their faith. With its Bible-based curriculum and Christian worldview, Equip Christian Academy is designed to come alongside parents in this high...
Knowing the Signs of Overheating
Whatever your plans this summer might involve, you’ll want to make sure you’re well versed in any potential heat related illnesses. Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are separate but equally dangerous conditions that can come on quite suddenly. Knowing the differences...
The Summer Solstice
On June 21st, the summer solstice brought us the longest day of the year. Whether you were romping around in the extra sunshine or staying cool indoors, the summer solstice is a reason to celebrate! Explaining the day to your child can be fun and educational. ...
Lawnmower Parenting
You may be all too familiar with the term Helicopter Parents, used to describe parents who constantly hover over their children to avoid issues. But the newest terminology these past few years is for a new type of parenting style that’s of course, quite similar:...
Banning Books in Schools
No matter what stance you take, you’ve picked a side when it comes to banning certain books found in school libraries and being taught in the classroom. Whether you oppose or approve, each side has pros and cons that ultimately affect your children. Increase in...