Many parents felt tossed into the storm these past years with the sudden switch to more online learning. Many students also felt a little topsy-turvy when it came to their school years, feeling like they were cutting ties with their friends and not getting much in-person contact. But with how successful the school year went with having such initial turmoil, many schools and parents are realizing how much better online learning is for the future of education. 

More Flexibility

One apparent and major difference between in-person and online education is the flexibility. Kids are expected to be at school all day, five days a week, similar to a full-time job, at a young age no less. Kids crave activity and fueling their creative sides, which some schools can accomplish better than others. With online learning, kids can take breaks when needed and stay active, leading to an increase in retaining information and applying the materials better. Most people can agree that having to hear someone else talk and lecture for hours on end isn’t conducive to retaining information, and the same is true for in-person learning. Granted, some teachers apply more hands-on learning techniques, allowing kids to participate more and not just listen. But even with these implementations, students can still have a hard time learning if the material is even remotely lecture-based, and this can lead to students feeling bored, distracted, and poor overall retention. 


More Specific to Your Child

Another great option with online education is the flexibility in creating a curriculum completely catered to your child’s learning style. Everyone doesn’t learn the same way, and oftentimes doesn’t retain the information the same way either. Even if your child enjoys going to school for the social aspects, they may have a hard time learning the material and retaining the information. The style of learning may not fully cater to your child’s needs, and you may need to supplement their learning with tutors or other means of education. If you know how your child learns best, online education can help them learn in a more specific way that helps them understand and retain the material better. 


More Confidence in Your Child

Another bonus to online education is the ways in which your child will become more confident. If they are struggling in their schoolwork already and have a hard time in the classroom, this can bring their self-esteem down. If they simply have a hard time with in-person learning, going the online learning route will give them a better outlet to learn different materials. Having a curriculum that gives them more flexibility to learn the information will help them retain it. This in turn can lead to better self-esteem and confidence in your child, and a better grasp of different subjects. They will be more enthusiastic and look forward to learning rather than making it seem like a chore. Online education can make learning more enjoyable and rewarding to your child than ever before!

Since 2004, Global Student Network has been a leader in providing innovative online curriculum to homeschooling families and partnering schools throughout the world.  GSN offers a wide range of online curriculum options.  We have over 2000 course offerings including Honors, AP®, World Languages, and Career and Technical Education courses.  Our program has been used by homeschool families as well as public, private, and charter schools, both nationally and internationally.  Learn more about or try a demo of GSN’s curriculum here:


Katie Kyzivat