Puerto Rico Homeschool State Laws

Although the laws of Puerto Rico do not contain a specific homeschool statute, the Constitution of Puerto Rico, Article II, Section 5, states (quoted verbatim from the original source, including inconsistencies): “Everyone has the right to an education directed to the full development of his personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. There will be a public education system which is free and wholly non-sectarian. Education shall be free in primary and second school, to the state where facilities permit, it will be made mandatory for school primary. No public money or property for the support of schools will be used for educational institutions other than the state.” Section 5 also says that compulsory education in “public primary schools” in Puerto Rico “shall not be construed to apply to those who receive instruction in a primary school established under governmental auspices.”
Required days of instruction and required subjects for homeschools in Puerto Rico are essentially the same as for Puerto Rico’s public schools. Homeschool teachers in Puerto Rico are not required to be certified, licensed or otherwise hold any specific degrees to qualify to teach in a homeschool. As non-governmental schools, homeschools in Puerto Rico are not required to administer any form of standardized testing to students.
As “non-government schools,” home schools in Puerto Rico are not recognized or regulated by law. However, a “primary or secondary academic” school which “declares, promises, announces or expresses the intention of granting certificates, diplomas, degrees or licenses” must be licensed (18 L.P.R.A. Section 2101-2103).
As “non-government schools,” homeschools in Puerto Rico do not grant high school diplomas but do issue transcripts demonstrating that the student has completed relevant educational studies.
Puerto Rico Colleges
NOTE: HomeschoolFacts does not endorse any of the links or organizations listed above. All of the information provided is intended for research purposes only and is not given as legal advice. REMEMBER: The most important thing you can do to prepare for homeschooling your child is to become familiar with your state’s laws about homeschooling.
COVID-19 UPDATE: Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the ever-changing landscape of education, we are monitoring potential changes to homeschool requirements and will be updating our state pages within the next few months.