Whether you think astrology is a little on the hippie side of things, teaching your kids about astrology can be a fun and exciting activity. It is a great way for kids to start thinking about big picture ideas and concepts in the world, like our place on this planet and how our actions can help shape our futures. Even if they don’t believe in astrology either, it’s still a nice way for them to see patterns of behavior and how different personalities can clash or jive together.
The Basics
Astrology is basically using the placements of the sun, moon and planets to help shape what distinctive characteristics a person may have, and even how day-to-day happenings might unfold. Although it’s not scientifically proven that astrology is correct, there are many characteristics of it that seem to show personal and worldly events to happen. Your kid may be interested in learning more about it and at the very least, being able to know their astrological information. It’s also especially more interesting for kids who love science and are interested in the planets.
Zodiacs and Horoscopes
The easiest way to start showing them astrology is by giving them a rundown of their astrological, or zodiac, sign. It’s easy enough to find out which one they have as it’s based on birthdates throughout the year, usually in about two-month long increments. These signs are supposed to be a good indicator of what your personality is, how you interact with others, and which other astrological signs get along with you, as well as which signs might get on your nerves. One fun activity within this is to read out loud each personality trait that they are supposed to express under that zodiac sign, and your kid can say True or False on whether they do embody those traits or not. You can also flip the script, and have them find your zodiac sign and read off the traits to see how much it may pertain to you, too!
Diving Deeper
From there, you can always explore horoscopes, and let your kid decide if they want to get daily news on what may be in their horoscope. If your kid wants to dig even deeper, they can find out more about the sun and moon placements, as well as the shifting of the planets, like retrograde, to learn more about how this affects their actions and environment for the upcoming months. There’s much to explore!
Katie Kyzivat