Home Schools Were Winners During Lockdown

Home Schools Were Winners During Lockdown

Based on multiple data sources, the American public learned in 2021-2022 that public schools were not actually spreading COVID in the huge numbers predicted.  Nonetheless, schools were still closed even after kids were eligible for vaccinations. The current estimate...
Working with Your Kid’s Teachers

Working with Your Kid’s Teachers

With a new school year around the corner, your child may be facing a new teacher, and with that, new rules, and a new way of learning. Even if your children have the same teacher this coming school year, it is a great idea to build a relationship with your kid’s...
Fun and Creative Crafts This Halloween!

Fun and Creative Crafts This Halloween!

Whether your kid is small or old, these crafts are sure to be enjoyable for all ages! And you do not have to worry about needing a lot of supplies either, making them an easy go-to for when your kids are bored and wanting to do something spooky! The Versatility of...
When to Homeschool

When to Homeschool

With stores putting up back to school supplies and summer on the way out, there may be reluctance to head back to the brick-and-mortar building come August. Whether that apprehension is from you or your kid (or both of you!), it is understandable to look for potential...
Helping Your Child Adapt to Changes

Helping Your Child Adapt to Changes

In an ever-changing world, it may seem like your children adapt to changes 24/7 without so much as a hair of stress, but it also can’t hurt to stay connected with them through certain changes to ensure they really are processing them correctly.  Uncontrollable Changes...
Boundaries with One-Year Olds

Boundaries with One-Year Olds

If you are a parent of a one-year-old, it may feel like a blur as to how your child got this old already! But you may also be seeing them getting into everything and moving around more freely, which presents a whole new challenge to parenting. How do you set...