Homeschool Loneliness

Homeschool Loneliness

We all have experienced loneliness. There are all kinds of situations that cause us to feel alone: a recent move, changing churches, getting a cancer diagnosis, dealing with infertility, living far away from family, starting a new job. The homeschooling lifestyle is...
Preschool Morning Basket

Preschool Morning Basket

In the mornings, my preschooler is ready to go before my coffee does its magic. By observing his activity levels, I also know that the mornings are his prime time to learn. However, his energy level does not usually match my energy level, so I needed a way to...
Sometimes Homeschooling is an Internal Battle

Sometimes Homeschooling is an Internal Battle

It was a wrestling match between one part of my brain and the other. The part of my brain that appreciates organization, values when all the parts to the game or puzzle are put away with the game, and finds rest in order began to twitch as the other side of my brain-...
Homeschool Field Trips

Homeschool Field Trips

Homeschool Field Trips: Planning Fun Without a Magic School Bus When I was younger, I loved the TV series “The Magic School Bus.” Ms. Frizzle would take her class all over the solar system in their magic bus; I got to learn about internal organs, what makes us sick,...
Book Review: 65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Science

Book Review: 65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Science

For that moment when you want to put something in the hands of your 10 year old that won’t cost a fortune, won’t send them down rabbit trails of drama, and will keep their attention for quick spurts, something like this book is a great choice. 65 Short Mysteries You...