8 Homeschool Hacks

8 Homeschool Hacks

Assuming you’re like most of the other homeschool moms I know personally, you are probably wishing for more storage space, money for the school budget and hands with which to get all your tasks completed. Do those things actually exist for anyone, anyway? Since we are...
The Ultimate Homeschooler’s Christmas Wish list

The Ultimate Homeschooler’s Christmas Wish list

With Christmas right around the corner, it’s fun to make wish lists of all kinds. For me, this helps prioritize spending and decide between wants and needs. I enlist the kids’ help for a few of the items on our Homeschoolers Christmas Wish List, then I do the rest on...
The Election as a Teaching Tool

The Election as a Teaching Tool

One thing you can count on most homeschool parents being is resourceful. We take advantage of most learning opportunities that come our way. So, what better learning opportunity can we imagine that history in real life? Our 2016 Presidential Election is certainly full...
Tips for Hosting a Homeschool Co-Op Party

Tips for Hosting a Homeschool Co-Op Party

Homeschool co-ops offer a great chance to hang out with people that have something in common with you. And a party is a great way to help everyone to connect. If you’ve planned ahead and gotten the event on the calendar, you’re already leaps ahead in the planning...
Best Back to Home-School Supplies

Best Back to Home-School Supplies

We are all working hard to provide the best education for our kids while spending the least amount of money. And if you are anything like me, the lure of the office supply aisle at the store is almost too much to handle. So, where do we spend our hard-earned money for...
Homework for Homeschoolers

Homework for Homeschoolers

Over the years of my homeschooling journey I’ve met so many other parents also homeschooling.  In the last year that number of other homeschooling parents has multiplied exponentially through social media.  As the numbers rise so too does my realization of how...